Friday, February 8, 2013

Fifty shades of socks...

They say, the thing to do as a writer, is finish where you know what you are about to write next. It makes the process of writing easier to restart. Problem is, I forgot to do that, so the blog has suffered with the 'and then' syndrome.
This is a well known phenomena to all primary teachers, who, despite intensive work on conjunctives and viewing examples of  writers  use of words, the children still write their story with the same repetition of 'And then.. And then.' 
So, I thought I'd start with a news item I saw, referring to the idea of micro chipping socks, so as to avoid that constant, post wash mini trauma of hunt the sock /match the pair.
Now my husband & I have differently tried to overcome this irritation; I by buying colour matched (toe & heel) socks and Ron by buying simply black socks. Problem is neither really work; the former method still leaves socks astray and the latter is confounded by the variety of blacks and shades thereof.  
So when I asked the French children to complete a simple 'Match the Sock' exercise to practise spoken directions, sizes and colour language, I was taken back by the answer..."Pourquoi Madam..." That, 'Why Madam?', seemed to indicate that the chic of French fashion does not stretch to having matching socks, but then part of that chic is a myth.
Well high fashion chic might be true on the Parisian Catwalks or the boulevards of Lyon, but not rural France. Where last did you see, pink ladies corsets, bloomer pants, wrap around aprons and a selection of sensible Crimpline dresses, but  in any one of several of our  local rural markets? As I said to my husband,if you ever find me looking at such stalls with intense interest, please shoot me.
So I'll finish, 'where I know what I am about to write next, the reasons so many 'Brits love the sleepy French rural ways', and then,I'll go back to my shades of socks.
Well, you have to admit, the title caught your attention...