Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Judging a book by its cover...Ode to Emily

Sometimes it takes extraordinary events to crystallise the ordinary!

Finally back in France & on holiday with our 17 year old grand daughter, I learnt just how much the inquisitive mind of a young adult can inspire. She listened, she joined in, in fact she engaged with every event and all things was delightful. We grappled with the nuances of pop culture films of super heroes and the over reaction to anything equine. But beyond the super confidence of youth and certainty of everyday life, we found a deeper  young lady 

She showed more maturity than some of the adults we encounter & greater empathy for situations than many another far more advanced in years. This was most pronounced in her response & understanding of some of my recent health issues.

Hence the visit by an acquaintance who is fighting brain cancer for the second time and yet made time and considerable effort  to come & see us and the visit from another acquaintance who came to announce she her village status; elicited some very different responses from the incisive young mind.

Made me think of something I read on line recently:

'The best thing about the worst times in your life is that you get to see the true colours of everyone'.
So in a small French village, at a small French farmhouse I learnt a small,but fundamental truth. Expect the unexpected!
Keep stepping outside the box my young friend...